Sunday, April 7, 2013

Post #11

 Watching Ms. Kathy Cassidy's video  Little Kids.....Big Potential was very inspiring. If she is able to use technology throughout her whole classroom then I think teachers everywhere should give it a try. It won't hurt anything. Technology is very useful and I think showing students how to use and to show them they learn things from different cultures or tradition or where they can talk to people from around the world, they will be more excited to learn! We shouldn't solely rely on technology in a classroom because my biggest fear is that I don't want it to disable certain people skills. The students need to know how to hand-write things and not to type everything and also to spell check things on their own. The students in her classroom were learning to blog, Skype and collaborating which I think is very awesome! They are using their technology for educational purposes, like playing learning activities online. Honestly, it shows the students learning can be very fun! I hope one day in my classroom  I can use some of her techniques to teach my students to blog and Skype and using the internet as a resource! 


  1. "We shouldn't solely rely on technology in a classroom because my biggest fear is that I don't want it to disable certain people skills." If we teach using a project based approach that would never be an appropriate fear.

    "The students need to know how to hand-write things..." Why. This a serious question.

    As you know, I am an enthusiastic fan of blogging. I hope you will be a blogging teacher!

  2. Great Post. I agree that there should be a balance between technology and writing. Students need the benefit of both. Keep up the good work!!
